As a professional, one of the most common grammatical errors I encounter is subject-verb agreement. In particular, the phrase “everybody love him so much” is a prime example of this mistake.

The correct form of this phrase should be “everybody loves him so much.” In this case, the subject of the sentence is “everybody,” which is a singular noun. Therefore, the verb “love” should be changed to its singular form, “loves.”

Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of proper grammar, as it ensures that the sentence is clear and concise. When the subject and verb of a sentence do not agree in number, it can lead to confusion and make the text difficult to understand.

In addition, subject-verb agreement is an essential component of SEO. Search engines are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to analyze text and determine its meaning. If a website`s content contains grammatical errors, including subject-verb agreement errors, it can negatively impact its search engine rankings.

To avoid subject-verb agreement errors, it`s important to carefully analyze the subject of the sentence and ensure that it agrees with the verb. In the case of “everybody loves him so much,” it`s easy to see that the singular subject “everybody” requires the singular verb “loves.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a critical part of proper grammar and SEO. By ensuring that the subject and verb of a sentence agree in number, writers can create clear, concise, and effective content that will resonate with readers and search engines alike.